7 Important Tips to Make Your Blog Look Better

Although I am not a pro when it comes to professional designing, but I can give you some tips to make your blog look even better that are the most important thing according to me. I started my blog on 2011 and through this long time I have learnt many things. I only want to share those with you.

You might have heard it before many times that ‘Content is the King’. I am going to repeat this same thing now. Only a good content can make your blog good and you can get the desired traffic only by writing quality things. But here, we will not talk about content at all. This post is all about ‘the look of the blog’. A good looking blog grows a reader’s interest in sticking to the blog for a long time. So, here are my tips for you.
  • Personalized Header: DON’T use a downloaded image or ready-made header to your blog. Instead, use a customized header. Put your own images, your own words. There are several tutorials which instruct you to make a customized header. Lastly, make it look simple. Don’t use images or quotes or words abundantly. Keep one thing in mind, the simpler the better.

  • Images: Use images for your posts. You don’t have to worry about images because Google is always there to help you. Just search Google Images with the keywords of your post and choose from the heavy numbers of images the one which complements your post best. Use photos in full width. This will make your posts look more balanced.

  • The Background: I personally refuse to read articles which are written in a black or dark background with light or white texts (except those which have really good content to offer). My advice for you to make your blog look better would be to have a white background instead of a dark one. That makes your blog fresher and enjoyable.

  • Text Color: I have seen a lot of blog with colored texts. I don’t know why I don’t like the idea of writing with colored text. My advice would be to stick to the black color when it comes to writing. It looks subtle and gives depth to the post. Your readers would also want it, take my word for it.

  • Font: Use a simple font that readers find easier to read. Don’t use extremely decorative fonts to write your posts. They are good for the header but not for the post.

  • Width: Your blog’s width should be 1100 to 1200px, no more no less. A wide blog makes it easier to distinguish between the content and the side bar. Leave plenty of space for your post. The post section should be wider than the sidebar. One sidebar is enough. Do not place your post area between two side bars. Sidebars should be either on the right or on the left. Don’t congest both sides of the blog by sidebars. Remember one thing, your readers stop by your blog to read your post, not to check out everything on your sidebars.

  • Less Ads: Don’t cram your blog with ads. Adding ads is OK, I am not against it. But, the thing is your readers lose interest on your blog if they bump into ads constantly. So, keep your blog neat and readable.

I hope you guys enjoyed reading this post. Please feel free to comment.

I am taking part in The Write Tribe Festival of Words 1st - 7th September 2013


  1. Some good tips here, Sayantini.I'm with you on the dark background - I just can't read them. Some bloggers have been kind enough to change their backgrounds for me! :)

    1. Hey Corinne, I am glad that you read my post and like it. This means a lot :)

  2. Very valuable tips indeed. Nice !


  3. Useful tips for a new blogger like me :)

    1. Preethi, I am sure they might have helped you :)

  4. Very interesting. If I am making a list of 'Important Tips to Make Your Blog Look Better', 5/7 will be the same! :)


  5. I esp agree with ur pont on cramming with too many ads. they are soo v distracting!

    1. I get cross when I see a lot of ads on a blog! Thanks Mina for commenting :)

  6. I agree with all of these tips! I have such a difficult time reading a blog when the post is written in a fancy cursive font. And like you, if the background is black and the print is white, I move on. Great tips...

  7. hey I need to make a customised banner/header for my blog, but how do I go about it? any help?

    1. There are a lot of sites that has step-by-step guides. I only use photoshop to make headers. You can get tutorials on it on YouTube :)

  8. I agree with your every points very useful post Thanks for the wonderful write up dear :)

  9. The one thing I really do not do is that images in posts. I don't know exactly why it is an advantage but I, somehow, like to leave my text stand on its own - except in travel/trek posts.

    1. I personally like reading that has images to them. I really do not know why. There's no certain reason for it but I like :)
      Thanks for your comment sir :)

  10. i dnt have my own blog..but still loved ur tips..Thanks for sharing dear :)

  11. Hey, thanks for the inputs to make the blog reader friendly and was looking for ideas to make the blog better. Cheers

  12. Great Points dear...These are some basic but veryimportant points...


    1. Thanks Richa! Glad you liked it. It's great to have you here :)

  13. Very informative post for novice blogger like me.Indeed I will put these pointer into good use.
    Thank you for sharing...:)


    1. Thanks Dev! I am glad that you're going to use them :)

  14. Useful Tips..Thanks for sharing!!


  15. Agree with all the pointers. I cant read white text on black background either!!

  16. Great tips Girl - I have followed few :) while missed on some :(
    But still the post is of great aid :)

  17. I am definitely going to try the first point....the last time I took an easy way out and took a header from the internet...this time when I change I am going to personalise it

    1. Go for it Aparajita!! Best of luck with that :)

  18. Good points! Agree with all of them :)

  19. Good points all. I have one blog with a dark green background. I love it. I can't get myself to change it although I probably should.

  20. Very useful tips, I am a new blogger, will definitely keep in my mind about these tips!

    1. Thank you so much Rachna. I am sure you're gonna rock :)

  21. Great tips. And people should keep in mind to only use images that are copyright free from Google.
    I love your header btw. :)

    1. Thanks Karishma. I agree with you in this matter :)

  22. Yipes! my blog is a colour garden LOL well i think i will try sticking to black text and see how that works! Love the tips! Do check out my blog too if you have some time :) and yes let me know what you think of my colour garden.

    1. Hey Zatz, thanks for stopping by. Coloured text is good as long as they don't make your readers dizzy! Some colours are really good and should be introduced. I'll surely check your blog out dear :)

  23. Good tips, for the bloggers like me !!


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