The Camera


It was his first time to visit a castle, actually the ruins of a castle. He definitely had thought of it to be the most picturesque assignment ever since he has started photography. He moseyed along the intertwined rubble-trails and finally found a tomb that was the highest area in the whole relic and decided to take the photographs from there. He eyed on the view-finder and suddenly felt an extreme numbness in his whole body. The century-old wreckage was transformed into what it used to be, a royal castle with all its grandeur and pride. 

This post is linked to Five Sentence Fiction by Lillie McFerrin of Lillie McFerrin Writes
The prompt for this week is- View 

You all know that I am a newbie in the world of micro-fictions. I am trying to make my own place here. This is my second try for the same. Hope you guys like it. Please do comment, be it positive or negative, so that I can improve my writing. Your views, opinions and suggestions are always welcome. 


  1. Feels very, very incomplete and thus very intriguing.
    I don't know if that is a bad thing or not! :D

    1. I even don't know if it's bad or not but I am pleased that I try to bring a abrupt and intriguing ending has been successfully accomplished! Thanks much!

  2. Seems like you had a great time
    xo sabbi

    1. Ha ha..yeah, I had a great time while making my character agree to go for a photography vacation :D
      Thanks for dropping your comment Sabbi!

  3. This sounds very interesting! I would love to hear the res of the story...what came before!

  4. I love the idea of the view changing in the lens of the camera. Great idea.

    Barbara @

  5. nice one....but not your best...something is amiss i dunno what...but given that it is just woven in 5 lines, it is still a good story. I would rate it at 3.5 out of 5

  6. I didn't like it, I loved it :-) Do write more micro-fictions soon :-)

  7. One of the main things in Micro Fiction is to made the readers to think few minutes after completed the read... And I do... keep going..


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