Ants in the Sugar Jar


 Look, at the kitchen rack
There are Ants in the Sugar Jar,
Marching on the sugar pearls,
There are Ants in the Sugar Jar.
Focused on the sweets and,
Paired with amazement,
Filling up the vacant place
They come and go in commitment.
Hail them, greet them,
Respect and adore them.
Gliding on the sugar pot
They live with such temptation.
Nowhere out, nothing to leave,
Dying with everything,
They've Nothing to regret for.
They are Ants in the Sugar Jar.

This poem is linked to-
*Theme Thursday (prompt- Ants)
*3WW (prompts- Focused, Pair, Vacant)


  1. I am always fascinated by ants. Loved your poem....

  2. This is so different ... I loved the use of words, and especially repetition of this line - "They are Ants in the Sugar Jar." Amazing Poetry yet again :-)

  3. Cool...this was if u are giving them some sort of army order!!

  4. Nicely written and Beautiful Poetry. :)

  5. Very nice!

    They have quite an interesting and BUZY life!!

    Kappu - The deafening Silence

  6. What an imagination for a prompt, superb!

  7. Yes, I have had ants in the sugar jar and ants just about everywhere. Used to get lots of them all the time but for quite a few years they stayed outside and had not been in the house. That was until a few weeks ago and then we saw them with a pretty big trail. It lead us to our couch but we could not find them inside of it. Then we found them in our bathtub and that seems to be where they have landed. I am using a Borax solution to try and get rid of them naturally. So far I got rid of them then they came back. I got rid of them again and I am waiting for them to come back again. I am going to try a stronger solution of Borax if they come back. Otherwise I am hoping hubby will go back to fogging in the attic.

    Thanks for sharing this poem with us for this weeks Theme Thursday. I wonder how long it would take them to empty out an average sugar jar. I know they could do it being the hard workers they are. I hope you are having an ant free weekend.

    God bless.

  8. Love this! It is narrated from an unexpected perspective. I squeek and run for cures, you celebbrate their initiative!

  9. funny and intriguing at the same time. didnt expect the twist that came in the final few lines.

  10. practically i was about to make my last tea for the night before I go to sleep when I drop to your blog and the first post that I read was this nice poetry:). decided to put a bit of sugar to my tea which I don't really do but just for a change hehe

    nice poetry and I really like how you play with your words

  11. If I were an ant, that's where I'd be too. Enjoyed this!

  12. How fun this poetic tale is. And I don't so much mind ants in the sugar jar. One can always sift them away.


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