
Infuriated sun blazing in the blue,
Ensuing outrageous outbursts,
Fury of nature and capriciousness,
Wrath of the fire-ball,
Sucking up the sap of life,
And, throwing up the refuses.
Like hell or purgatory,
Like hearth or furnace,
The planet seems to be,
Utterly drenched in the fire-rain. 

This poem is linked to Theme Thursday.
Prompt- Heat


  1. Great Summer Lines But we are experiencing hell lot of rains in Bangalore..I hope this lines will give some Summer feelings

  2. beautiful apt to the theme and the snap adds to the charm to the writing !!

  3. Nice compilation. Like the words 'fire-rain'

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, glad you liked it. Keep reading :)

  5. The picture goes so well with the poem. The sun is blazing in the blue to where the blue looks so hot and in the sunset it does look hot too. And definitely the planet looks drenched in the fire-rain. I really like that one. It totally seems to describe how most of us feel that the planet is behaving right now.

    Thanks for sharing this with us for this weeks Theme Thursday. May your week be filled with a few cool drenching's of rain. Have fun staying cool. And welcome back, we have missed you.

    God bless.

  6. drenched in fire rain... :) very well phrased.

  7. We were caught in that fiery grasp for so long and finally now we have a break in that intense heat. I understood this and felt this poem completely.

  8. Let's pray for cool water rain soon :-)

  9. Fiery..vivid...thrumming with rage!! Awesome..

  10. the fire rain...now that is hot...we have had a mix...baked the ground hard and hot all week and yesterday when it rained it flooded...we have no happy medium...

  11. gr8 going yr....just wonder how you make it....ur just too above from me lol :)

  12. It does feel like that, record heat waves everywhere. Well-captured!!

  13. "drenched in the fire-rain" - Amazing.

  14. I love drenched in fire rain, you really captured the ferocity of the summer heat

  15. Yes....fire rain! I definitely agree with you. Almost unbearable in some places.

  16. reminds me of the portrait of hell drawn by milton in paradise lost book one...:-)

    keep writing...

  17. Fire rain...summer can be a beast. Nice work!

  18. Beautiful lines as usual Sayantini:)) Specially loved these two lines; 'And, throwing up the refuses' and 'Utterly drenched in the fire-rain'

    Keep writing and sharing your lovely work!!

  19. drenched in the fire rain... usually over here in germany we have mild temperatures but at the moment it's scorching hot.. so that really feels familiar

  20. I felt the full heat of summer in this...do hope you get cooler weather soon. :)

  21. Not quite drenched in fire rain here - but some really hot days. That said these days are as the seasons of my childhood; mostly now, it is difficult to differentiate between one season and another.
    Anna :o]

  22. Great language and well expressed. I have spent my summers for nearly every one of my life in Texas and every one of them has felt like a fireball until this one. We are only now in late July getting into triple digits. We have had a blessed season so far. I can't fathom why but not complaining.

  23. Hot it is! luckily showering now! :)

  24. beautiful words....lovely lines!!

  25. What an imagery...good one :)

  26. Beautiful ! Really liked this one ..Looking forward for more such poems .



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