Take Me to That Place


Take me to that place,
Where love is immortal,
Stillness is all over,
Where echoes the dreams,
Worries rest in peace.

Take me to that place,
Where nobody can catch us,
Where I can sleep on your lap,
Without fear and fret,
Without any intrusion.

Take me to that place,
Where I can tell you all,
That I have always suppressed.
Where I can hush in your ears,
Two soft words of love.

Take me to that place,
Where you and I are alone,
And, everything else is effaced,
Where we can hear our throbs,
And, feel our breaths just.


  1. Full of romanticism ... loved it ... amazingly written !!!

  2. Please tell me if that place exists. Lovely words!

  3. hmm seems you r love :) ,,,,,a lovely romantic cute poem :)

  4. Well composed poem. That place is found in all those places where our mind settles and accepts it as the best place.

  5. "Aa chal ke tujhe main le ke chaloon ik aise gagan ke tale...." Your poem reminded me of these lines.


  6. Once you go there what would you do? How long will you stay there?
    Very romantic poem don't be heart-broken if you don't find such a place

  7. I have had troubles with my computer so haven't been able to visit blogspot. I have gotten it repaired now but in the process of re-installing software and sites.

    This was lovely and and I was able to access through Google.

    Gracias for such a lovely write

    Hope to be in in contact through Blogspot soon


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